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Author TL Bliss

Author TL Bliss

Content below the cut is PG-13

Today TL Bliss is visiting The Pearly Droplets to talk about herself the individual, the writer, and also to discuss her book, and other things.  Please give her a warm welcome by commenting below.

Grinnie:  Tell us a little about yourself, the individual.

TL Bliss:  I am an aspiring author who loves to travel with my husband and write about whatever touches my heart.  I have a full time day-to-day job that takes up a lot of my time, but it does involve reading so that is a big benefit; I review medical records and make sure the information is accurate.

Grinnie:  Tell us a little about your writing:

TL Bliss:  Writing is one of my biggest accomplishments and I am enjoying it every step of the way.  My stories can be anything from Christian fiction, children’s stories, to self-help/how-to guides, and not limited to any one genre.  I lie awake at night struggling with my thoughts about what to add to my current work in progress, the future works my mind tells me to start, and how to get what I have written “out there” for the world to read.

Grinnie:  How did you begin writing?

TL BlissI started writing poems when I was just a little girl and short stories to a degree.  I never did much with anything I wrote other than read it a few times and then put it away.  Over the years, everything I had written was lost or destroyed, but the memories I had still lingered on in my mind.  I eventually went on to college seeking an English major.  I have always been intrigued by words and the meaning they have.

Grinnie:  From where does your inspiration to write come?

TL Bliss:  My inspiration to write comes from life and everything it has thrown at me over the past 40+ years.  We all struggle with things deep within us and outside of us that intrigues our senses enough to want to tell the world about it; why not share what stimulates us and sparks our emotions through a book.

Grinnie:  What book will you be sharing today and why did you choose it?

TL Bliss: I will be sharing my story, Broken Circle of Life,with you today.  I chose this book because of the content it shares with the reader.  Some of the scenes inBroken Circle of Life

this book were actual events that happened to me in my life and it helped me significantly with the healing process to  put the words onto paper.  I struggled with the concept of writing this book due to the personal nature it contains, but realized that it was something that happened in the past and I needed to move on from the grasp it continued to have on me.

Grinnie:  How did you come by the title?

TL Bliss:  The title came from concept of a broken family and eventual broken life.  To make a complete circle all ends must match up and reunite again, so that brings forth the circle aspect.  My hope is that you are able to understand and can share in the beauty of the title as you read the story it holds.

Grinnie:  Can you give us a brief overview of your book, please?

TL Bliss:  Pennsylvania and South Carolina are now intertwined and bonded forever through the lives of this family who struggle to learn why the past was so daunting on their future.

Broken Circle of Life is a heartwarming and very compelling story that ends with a twist of fate. Based on a family who is torn apart at the hands of the family matriarch, Grace Elizabeth’s mother, Lisa.  Throughout the story, the family encounters realizations about other family members that are sure to destroy the lives of the innocent, but actually only make the bond stronger.

You will understand more of the saga as you read through this enlightening story that asks will a little love, a little pain, a little praying, a lot of truth telling, faith building, tears, joy, and heartache make the broken circle whole again?

Grinnie:  That’s a tasty nibble, can we have an excerpt?

It did not seem real to be meeting the child Grace Elizabeth had taken away from her so many years ago.  What would she say?  What would she do?  Would Lynnie understand?  Would this be a mistake?  Should Grace Elizabeth just cancel the camping trip and see what happens?

The decisions were overwhelming Grace Elizabeth again.  This surely was not the first time these exact thoughts crossed her mind; they had been tucked away in the part of Grace Elizabeth’s memory that was reserved for Lynnie only.

Deciding to leave well enough alone, Grace Elizabeth sat a bit longer and thought about all the years that Lynnie would be asking about; the history of what kept them apart for so long.  Grace Elizabeth knew she had questions for Lynnie too.  They would equally share in wanting to know more about one another.

Grace Elizabeth also wondered if she would be able to keep her composure during the harder parts of answering “why” for Lynnie.  She remembered it like it happened yesterday.  Grace Elizabeth tipped her head back and closed her eyes to see the pictures in her mind play again.

After finishing dinner for the evening, everyone sat at the table drinking coffee and relishing in the day’s affairs.  The kids were outside playing in the pool and the adults were sitting around the table watching them throw each other into the pool and splash around having fun.  Inside the house, I was helping clean up the kitchen after dinner was over.  Ron was in the kitchen washing the dishes.  Ron was the cousin of Rick and Rick was Lynnie’s father.  Connie was also inside having a quick cigarette break away from the kids before going outside to be with them.  Connie was Rick’s only sister.  All of a sudden, Rick came running through the house chasing one of the younger girls in through the kitchen and back out the front door.  Rick was bound to catch her and throw her in the pool. 

I peeked around the corner when the front door did not open after the two had made it through the living room running with wet clothes over top of the carpeting.  I had seen Rick grab the young girl and spin her around, push her against the wall, and kiss her very passionately on her lips and then let her go to run away.  I never said a word and went back to helping in the kitchen.  This was not the first time I had seen this sort of thing take place with Rick.  He was quite free with his desire to be with younger girls and usually tried to hide this from his family members.


Where to buy Broken Circle of Life:
Amazon Kindle
Amazon Paperback
CreateSpace Paperback
Website Paperback (via PayPal)

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